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Monday, October 19, 2009

It has been a while...

...or exactly 11 months since my last post on November 19, 2008. Many things had happened. One of it was the my trusted workhorse Peugeot 406 was finally bidding me farewell after 6 years and almost 250,000km. It took me places. It caused me some of the severe headache, it was the joy, it was the pain. It brought me some momentous moments and great friendship too.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lone and Deserted

Local@Jungle train seen leaving the station

I have going back and forth Kota Bharu during early November attending to my hospitalized mother. My normal route is the boring Bentong-Lipis-G Musang road. Chance upon this subject on those occassion before finally decided to stop and snap some photos. Merapoh Station Station, a dilapidated station warp in time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kuala Lumpur yang membosankan

The traffic jam in Kuala Lumpur can be very nasty. The only way out is to remain calm and patient. Watch out for traffic announcement over the radio and the electronic display board on major road. These mode of communication can be very effective when you have no other means to be informed.

Some might not be celebrating.............

Some unfortunate souls may not be 'there' anymore to celebrate Raya. It is either due to own fault or other people fault. I mean road accident. When few hundreds thousand of vehicles jostles for a tiny square called road, sometime we have to count on our prayer and luck to be able to get where we want to go this festive season.

This photos was captured on the faithful Saturday, 26 Ramadhan 1429 H, 10km before Raub town.

Welcome Syawal 1429H

After 11 days in Syawal, raya celebration doesn't seem to subside. I have been getting some invitation to attend open house during the remaining syawal either from individual/family as well from corporate/company/organization. Hariraya itself from 1st Syawal to maybe 3rd to 5th Syawal reserved to very private and family re union. Now time to re acquint with those you will not have the chance to greet during the actual raya itself. Not too late to Wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maf Zahir dan Batin.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ramadhan 1429H

Will bid farewell to our most beloved hijrah month, Ramadhan Al Kareem 1429H, may all of us be blessed and forgiven by the AlMighty Allah during and after Ramadhan. May we meet again in 1430H

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Madrasah Muhajirin, Myanmar

Madrasah Muhajirin di Timur Laut Myanmar ini di pelopori oleh seorang Ulamak bernama Maulana Ghafur. Madrasah Tahfiz ini di biayai sepenuhnya atas daya usaha beliau secara individu juga sumbangan masyarakat. Para pelajarnye tidak di kenakan apa-apa bayaran. Mereka terus berusaha menghidupkan Ilmu dan agama Allah serta dakwah di bumi Myanmar. Negara mundur yg serba serbi kekurangan ditambah dgn tekanan oleh pemerintah rejim tentera Myanmar yg bersifat kuku besi terhadap umat islam, yakni mereka tidak memberi pengiktirafan kpd Ugama Islam.

Para pelajar di Madrasah ini hanya mampu makan nasik sekali sehari tanpa apa-apa lauk kecuali kacang Dal berkuah air serta garam. Pakaian yg tidak pernah mencukupi, sekadar menutup aurat serta keadaan madrasah yg separuh siap tetapi telah digunakan sepenuh walaupun hanyi berlantaikan tanah dan berdindingkan bata. Qurannya adalah naskah2 lama yg koyak2, namun madrasah ini berazam melahirkan ramai hafiz al quran dari peringkat kanak2 kecil lagi

Begitulah kesukaran mereka untuk mencari ilmu. Kami berusaha membantu sekadar terdaya memandangkan tempat ini agak terpencil dan negara Myanmar sendiri yg tidak gemar rakyat asing utk melawat negara mereka.

Kalau sudi bantulah!