Kuala Lumpur Weather Forecast

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kuala Lumpur yang membosankan

The traffic jam in Kuala Lumpur can be very nasty. The only way out is to remain calm and patient. Watch out for traffic announcement over the radio and the electronic display board on major road. These mode of communication can be very effective when you have no other means to be informed.

Some might not be celebrating.............

Some unfortunate souls may not be 'there' anymore to celebrate Raya. It is either due to own fault or other people fault. I mean road accident. When few hundreds thousand of vehicles jostles for a tiny square called road, sometime we have to count on our prayer and luck to be able to get where we want to go this festive season.

This photos was captured on the faithful Saturday, 26 Ramadhan 1429 H, 10km before Raub town.

Welcome Syawal 1429H

After 11 days in Syawal, raya celebration doesn't seem to subside. I have been getting some invitation to attend open house during the remaining syawal either from individual/family as well from corporate/company/organization. Hariraya itself from 1st Syawal to maybe 3rd to 5th Syawal reserved to very private and family re union. Now time to re acquint with those you will not have the chance to greet during the actual raya itself. Not too late to Wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maf Zahir dan Batin.