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Monday, July 21, 2008

The Present - Fruit Season is back

A little too early, perhaps a week early for Durian. The falls has been scattered just enough to meet our craving desire for this king of fruit. These bunch came from a decades old tree, still faithfully bearing fruits for the 3rd generation of the family who planted the seed hopefully for more generations to come. The rambutan is screaming in red and a bonnet of a 4WD alone doesn't seem to be enough to fill the rambutan from the whole tree.


Wan A. Hadi (one.D) said...

Banyok buoh drie tok buat lempok ke taja?

taja said...

lempok tok buat, ppoyok buat la, buat bbagi. Durian tok berape jjadi, jsut enough for 4 families, not much left to be sold.