8/8/2008, 8/8/08 OR August 8th 2008, whatever you want to put it. A nice looking date. I want to find the significant of this date. Ok, Beijing Olympic starts today, many would probably get to tie their knot today, someone might knock into your car or yours into another, yesterday 7 August 2008 DS Anwar Ibrahim was against charged for sodomy very few people believes he had committed it.
Tomorrow my father in law will be in town. Tonite I have to attend Parents Teacher Assc. program, PTA which I m now heading. What else? This morning I had breakfast of nasi lemak and telor mata, just like any other morning. A telemarketeer called me asking me to buy product I never even want to consider. Friday prayer in the afternoon follow by lunch. Life looks customarily normal today, friday 8/8/2008. Let's decide that 8/8/08 is just another date, one of those days uneventful day.
OK let me decide the significant. Since today is 8/8/2008, For the 1st time there is no photo for my posting. Just this dull note. Happy eerr...happy weekend.